We love bonuses, and as always I know some of you will be looking to provide bonuses as an incentive for your referrals.
Unlike a typical low-ticket Internet marketing launch, I’m not providing a premade bonus package for JV partners, and I don’t really have any exclusive bonuses available (I’ll explain why). But I DO recommend offering a bonus if you have one that is complementary to the offer.
The reason I don’t have a premade bonus package for this is basically because this offer includes the best of everything I’ve got. It needs no bonus. With a small ticket sale, it’s easy to put together some PLR packs and such, but that wouldn’t really help this offer, in fact I think it would cheapen it.
If you want to offer a bonus, I would recommend putting together an “exclusive” bonus from you that truly compliments our offer. It needs to be something of significant value, otherwise I think you may be better sending your traffic directly to the offer and not to a bonus page.
Bonuses that would work well:
- if you’re an expert, you could offer some sort of exclusive webinar training.
- if you’re an expert, offer a personal phone consultation, or mastermind session.
- if you have any mid-ticket products $197+ or big ticket products $495+, use them as bonuses.
- if you have tech expertise, offer to help the customer with their website setup, basically an extra guarantee that the customer will have a functional site and business.
- if you own a SAAS of any sort, include a membership as a bonus.
- if you have a list, offer to promote the customer’s product as an affiliate once it’s launched!
- if you have copywriting skills, offer to write some promo emails, or other ads for the customer’s new product. If graphic skills, offer to make some custom graphics/ads.
- if you’re a successful affiliate marketer, offer a swipe file of all your successful promo emails for the customer to copy.
- Anything web traffic related is good!
- anything else you can think of!
Keep in mind the value of our offer is over $11,000 so your bonus needs to have a significant “value” to make it compelling.
We do have a 30 day money back guarantee, so keep that in mind when fulfilling bonuses!